Reconciliation SA and ActNow Theatre are collaborating to develop face-to-face training highlighting the importance of cultural safety across all arms of healthcare.

In order to achieve widespread recognition of cultural safety within the health system, it is imperative to involve both health workers and health consumers Reconciliation SA and ActNow intend to engage with Aboriginal staff working in health, Aboriginal health consumers, and the non-Aboriginal workforce from both country and metropolitan areas, to share their stories and to provide a platform for their voices to be heard. This will enable the development of a final product that will be consistent with the Department of Health Cultural Learning Framework.


Artists Involved


Reconciliation South Australia

Reconciliation South Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes the people’s movement for reconciliation at a state level. Their work focuses on creating environments in which Aboriginal people can meet their full potential. As a rights-based organisation, taking a strong stand against racism is fundamental to being able to build a harmonious and safe community for all South Australians.

Check out Reconciliation South Australia.

Responding to Racism

Teaching audiences how to identify, respond to, and prevent racism, Responding to Racism explores how racism affects people on a daily basis. Featuring a culturally diverse cast, the performance provides the audience with strong role models and aims to help participants identify various forms of racism and provides prevention strategies.

Check out Responding to Racism.