AFTRS and ActNow Theatre present

Introduction to Filmmaking

Presented in partnership with the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS), one of Australia's most celebrated screen arts and broadcast schools, ActNow Theatre offers a FREE filmmaking intensive for our communities.

This program is a unique opportunity for South Australians to learn from leading experts in the film industry and build practical skills in the field. Successful participants attend a series of seminars and workshops introducing them to the roles within the industry and supporting them to pursue a career in film.

In the past, the program has been facilitated by Devris Hasan (cinematographer, producer, educator), Stephen de Villiers (Founder/Creative Director, Arterial Films + Watchpost) and Alice Yang (Creative Director/Editor, Arterial Films + Watchpost), with pastoral support from our Associate Artist Valerie Berry.

I am immensely grateful for this program and it has been a highlight of my year as I take steps closer to being a creative collaborator in the fimmaking space. This will allow me to grow further as a writer/director and has provided information I need to set the pathway I need to travel as a storyteller in film.
— 2024 Participant
This program gave me the opportunity to explore a passion, that I couldn’t have imagined pursuing (career wise). It showed me the world of filmmaking and screenwriting in a way that was open and inclusive. It is a tough career path to follow but this program was a great opportunity to gain confidence.
— 2024 Participant
I made some brilliant new networks, learned heaps about on set ettiquette and roles. Learned how to approach screenwriting, began to play, practically.
— 2024 Participant

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The equipment for the 2024 program was generously supplied by Devris Hasan.