Venue Hire


MakeSpace is a centrally located venue based on Kaurna Land.

Featuring a large, open area measuring 9.78m by 6.8m, MakeSpace is available to hire for rehearsals, workshops, performances and more.

For performances, MakeSpace can seat 40 people in a traditional arrangement, but has the flexibility to serve a number of seating requirements. When hiring the space, you will have access to kitchen, bathrooms, tables and chairs with basic sound and lighting to be accessed upon request.


Photograph by Jamie Hornsby


Venue Hire Rates

Half Day $150

Full Day $280

Full Week (weekdays only) $1,200

Evening $300

Saturdays $350

Cleaning bond $100

Equipment hire $100 Deposit & $100 for equipment

Please note: You are required to have your own public liability insurance to make use of our venue. We will need to cite this as part of your hire agreement for MakeSpace.


Artists and community members are eligible for discounted rates. Please email us for more information.


For venue hire inquiries please fill out the form below or email